Autumn Equinox Evensong – 5pm 22/9/24

Autumn Equinox Evensong – 5pm – Sunday 22nd September

at St Barnabas Church, Brooking, Dartington. Parking available in front of the church & the gold bus stops at the bottom of the drive – ask for Tigley Cross.

A calm and warm welcome awaits you at our contemplative Autumn Equinox Evensong at beautiful Brooking Church.

This month we are offering a Druid Christian blend, including time outside & gently innovative approaches to traditional Christian chants and psalms, by beeswax candlelight and with rich, hand blended, harvest incense.

Please bring autumn and harvest tokens (local & seasonal leaves, fruits, flowers etc) to decorate the altars.

Within our Evensong, our first scripture reading will be the chanted debut of a new translation (by Sam) of Psalm 1 and our second scripture reading will be from the ‘Big Book’ of nature, outside in the lovely, leafy churchyard. So wear your wellies & warm, wind & waterproof layers. (You’ll need those for inside too… and you might like to add a blanket & hottie!)

This is a long, slow and meditative approach to liturgy (ceremony) with an eco feminist emphasis and may last around 90 mins + tea by the campfire afterwards. Please be prepared for sitting still and joining in with a procession, silence and music/chanting, being in church and getting out!

You are welcome to quietly leave along the way, if need be, but we ask that you do your best to arrive at the beginning – deep thanks! Donations invited to cover costs & for eco charities, either in hard cash on the day or online here.

Digital art ‘Spirit of Autumn’ by Ciro Marchetti